
The Biggest Contribution Of Engineer Best To Humanity


Engineering is a noble profession, but we should remember that it has a responsibility to do more than just improve our lives. It also plays a critical role in promoting social justice and the common good. This is why we must re-imagine engineering in order to better serve humanity.

Archimedean screw

The Archimedean screw is one of the greatest inventions of all time, and it is named after Archimedes of Syracuse, a Greek mechanical engineer. The screw transfers water from a lower level to a higher level, which facilitates irrigation. This invention makes agriculture more efficient, and more food is available for mankind.

In the 3rd century B.C., Archimedes of Syracuse, a Greek engineer and mathematician, was fascinated by the concept of solving problems. He was also interested in building the biggest ship possible, but soon realized he needed an effective way to pump water out of it. His solution was the Archimedes screw, a simple screw that required only one person to operate. The Archimedean screw quickly gained popularity, and is still used in irrigation ditches today.

Lithium-ion batteries

Lithium-ion batteries are a great example of clever design. They save space and use only the materials needed for energy storage, including the anode. The rest of the cell volume is filled with packaging materials, metal-foil current collectors, and separators. This empty space lowers the battery’s energy density (measured in watt-hours per liter).

Lithium-ion batteries are currently used in a wide range of consumer electronics, including mobile phones, power tools, and health-maintaining devices. They’re also being used in electric vehicles, and the demand for these batteries is increasing rapidly.


The Internet is an architecture that has revolutionized the way we communicate and transact. It connects computers across the globe to share information and knowledge. This technology first emerged in the 1970s and became visible to the general public in the early 1990s. By 2020, it is estimated that 4.5 billion people will have Internet access.

It was an engineer’s brainchild. Vint Cerf, manager of DARPA’s Internet Program, recognized the need for coordination mechanisms, so he formed the International Cooperation Board (ICCB) to work with European nations cooperating in Internet research. He also formed the Internet Research Group (IRG), an inclusive group that provided an environment for a general exchange of information. This group eventually led to the creation of the Internet Configuration Control Board (ICCB), chaired by John Clark.

Alexander Graham Bell

Inventor, scientist, and engineer Alexander Graham Bell is a man who has made many contributions to humanity. His work helped revolutionize communication and science. He also contributed to the development of the telephone. He was born in 1847 in Edinburgh, Scotland. In 1870, Bell’s family moved to Canada, where Bell taught speech to deaf people. During his time there, he discovered that human speech came in wave-like patterns. His theory was to produce an electrical wave that would follow these patterns, and then transmit them through wires.

Besides creating the telephone, Bell is also responsible for the decibel (B), a unit of sound pressure level. It was invented by Bell Labs, and the invention is named after him. Since 1976, the IEEE awards the Alexander Graham Bell Medal to honor his work in the field of telecommunications.

Henry Ford

Henry Ford is one of the greatest inventors of the twentieth century. He was responsible for revolutionizing transportation, the automobile industry, and the American workplace. His innovations also changed the economic landscape of the United States and enabled the development of the middle class. But his legacy is far bigger than his car innovations.

Henry Ford, the founder of the Ford Motor Company, is considered the father of the assembly line. His revolutionary “Model T” car ushered in the age of the automobile. It revolutionized transportation and led to urbanization. In addition, Henry Ford introduced the first five-dollar-a-day wage for factory workers. He made this possible by introducing a revolutionary approach to the manufacturing process. His commitment to cost reduction led to countless technical innovations, including the assembly line. Ford also introduced a franchise system that put automobile dealerships in every major city in North America and six continents.

Steve Wozniak

As a student at U.C. Berkeley, Wozniak studied electronics and developed an electronic device called a “blue box.” This device used a keyboard to input data and a television screen to display characters. The device was so successful that Wozniak and his friends decided to build their own personal computer. He demonstrated the device at meetings of electronic hobbyists in Silicon Valley, and he demonstrated his engineering prowess in informal discussions after the meetings.

Wozniak is a co-founder of Apple, and he invented many of the technologies we use today. His innovations include the floppy disk, external memory, colour computer screens, and the personal computer. Although Wozniak left Apple in 1985, he remains an active and influential figure in the field. In fact, he works as the chief scientist of data virtualisation firm Primary Data.

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